Why You Should Repaint Your Home in the Summer

Summertime is a chance for relaxation and enjoying the sunshine. In addition, summer can also be a great time to give your home’s exterior a facelift. Start by giving your home’s exterior a fresh new coat of paint and maybe even experimenting with a new color. There’s no better time to look into exterior painting in Atlanta than the bright and warm summer season. Read on to learn the most prominent reasons why you should repaint your home in the summer. 


Warm weather is a must when painting your house’s exterior. Warm weather keeps the painters away from working in the cold temperatures that winter brings and plays an important role in paint quality. Depending on the type of exterior paint used, contractors risk poor painting application if exposed to low drying temperatures. For the best and fastest drying results, paint the exterior of your home on warm days and nights. For example, oil-based paint will not set well in temperatures of 40 degrees and below, meaning winter months and early springtime when cool nights are common should be avoided. Latex paints dry best when in temperatures warmer than 70 degrees, meaning summer is the perfect time to use latex paints to ensure warm daytime and nighttime temperatures alike. 

Rainy Season 

Springtime rain can pose big problems for exterior painting. Since the temperatures are beginning to warm up, it may seem tempting to start a new project; however, your exterior may not be ready just yet. Hold off until summer to give your exterior time to dry from any waterlogging and lower the odds of rain in the upcoming forecast. Waterlogged siding and rain can delay drying times and damage your finished product’s overall outcome. 

The right temperature and weather forecast are imperative reasons for why you should repaint your home in the summer. Don’t risk a poor paint job by rushing to paint too soon or too late in the year. 

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