Founded as a planned community by some of the most prominent families of the time, Druid Hills is home to some of the most beautiful architecture in the state. Throughout the town, you’ll see the main campus of Emory University as well as one of the most affluent neighborhoods in Atlanta.
Many of the historic mansions in Druid Hills have been standing since the 19th century. To keep their exteriors looking pristine, they need a fresh coat of paint every few years. That’s where professional house painting in Druid Hills, GA, comes in. Whether your space is old or new, give it new life with the help of Ashford Painting.
Our professional residential painters have years of experience with interiors and exteriors for both residential and commercial applications. We can paint your entire storefront—or just your back office. Keep your space looking as clean and inviting as all the other buildings in Druid Hills. A fresh coat of paint could be just what you need to give your place a new lease on life.
Do you need commercial or house painting in Druid Hills, GA? Our painters offer the following services with a professional finish:
Residential painting: Whether your home is old or new, our residential painters can make it look stunning with fresh paint. Do you want to refresh your existing colors or go for a whole new look altogether? We can help you realize your ambitions.
Commercial painting: Make your storefront an enticing and inviting space. Draw customers in by displaying your pride in your business! A new coat of paint shows passersby that you care about cleanliness and quality.
Interior painting: If you are renovating or remodeling the inside of your home or business, give the walls a fresh coat of paint while you’re at it. Our house painting in Druid Hills, GA, encompasses both exteriors and interiors. Liven up your space with a new paint job.
Exterior painting: The outside of your home or business is the first thing a passerby notices, so give them a spectacular impression with a fresh, clean coat of paint. Update your building’s aesthetic and breathe new life into your exteriors.
If you’re looking for more information about the services Ashford Painting provides, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll be glad to help you with all your painting needs.