Categories Painting

5 Differences Between Commercial and Residential Painting

5 Differences Between Commercial and Residential Painting

Most people have a simplified take on a painter’s job and responsibilities. They think that commercial and residential painters do similar work. They simply pick up a paintbrush and start working. The truth is something more complex. Both types of painters cater to different needs, use different materials and techniques, and operate on different scales. Keep reading to learn about the five major differences between commercial and residential painting.

Categories Painting

Steps To Preparing Your Home Before the Painters Arrive

Steps To Preparing Your Home Before the Painters Arrive

Preparing your home for a fresh coat of paint marks the beginning of a transformation. Whether you’re refreshing a single room or revamping the walls in your entire house, the steps to prepare your home before the painters arrive can positively impact the efficiency and outcome of the project. Here’s how to ensure your home is ready for a professional interior paint job!

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The Impact HOAs Can Have on Your Home’s Paint Job

The Impact HOAs Can Have on Your Home’s Paint Job

Homeowners associations (HOAs) play a pivotal role in maintaining the aesthetic appeal of a neighborhood. For example, they wield their power mightily regarding exterior painting. The impact HOAs can have on your home’s paint job is significant, and it’s essential to understand it fully. This blog explores the critical aspects of how HOAs affect your home’s exterior painting.